Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First two days of school

So today was the second day of my official college career. Between my four classes (fifteen credit hours) I am told that I will need around 35 hours of study time per week. This means no job for me. However, as that is not a possibility... I am not sure how I will make it but am sure that I eventually will as usually things find a way or working themselves out in the end... even if a little painful.
My first class is Bio 156. My teacher seems a little talkative, not spacey, but not quite on track either. It is a three hour class... some to find out I think that I will really like that class as it goes along with my job as a chemical operations specialist from when I was in the army the last few years of my life. Also, my not quite so mild annoyance when a student asked for a five minute grace period on getting to class late because of traffic. I think this is highly ridiculous, as if you plan on being somewhere fifteen minutes prior and then get stuck in traffic you are still "on time". But I guess that is just the army coming out of me. I wanted to throttle her, but managed to hold my tongue.
Second class was Proffessor Jolly's :-) Figured I'd make his day by calling him that. Within five minutes of being in class my self and the woman next to me had already decided that this was going to be our favorite class, and favorite teacher, all in one room. How exciting. We loved the nuerotic sense of humor he has. Very excited to see if my enthusiasm will make it through assignments as well... besides this one. So far like this one.
After that I hav intro to Algebra and Intro to psych. Wow, Algebra, self explanatory... what can I say. And then psych... um lets just say. Having someone monopolize the first 25 minutes of class talking about there support for a presidential candidate that I do not agree with is not the way that I wanted to start class... I had such high hopes and see them dissapearing before my eyes. After that we were informed that we must watch the news and be informed about the world. Good call, however I hate being forced on that issue. I leaned long ago that I don't remotely like following politics and that it only makes me angry. As this hindered my army carear I decide to give it another go and turned on the radio to listen to the news, and the first thing I hear is that jibe that was made stating that if you do well in school and try hard you won't end up in Iraq.... now considering I was still in the army at this point... in uniform at work doing my job to protect this country with multiple friends and battle buddies in Iraq at the very moment.... you can imagine the expletives that came out of my mouth. I then only turned on the news when I needed to for a formal board at work where you are questioned on local and global news. Once again.... watching those high hopes for the Tuesday and Thursday classes fading.
I guess I will just look forward to Mondays and Wednesdays, and hope that I will find the others bearable enough to make it through them with at least decent if not great grades regardless of the sad fact that I already seem to dislike them...

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