Sunday, September 7, 2008

More than one English???

Alright, even though I am horribly ahead of schedule on these blogs I seem to be finding them fun. Tonight while Reading the assigned reading I realized that I use different types of English with different people. I read about a novel a day and have a fairly decent vocabulary, but while in the Army I noticed that I lost most of it. I woulf start struggling for words in the middle a sentance, words that I know. It was infuriating. I felt like my brain cells were dying because of my lack of people who could use varied and intelligent words. I simply forgot most of them, I could still undertand them while reading, but could no longer put them into use, I simply floundered and couldn't think of them while talking to people.
And then it all hit home when I came home after three and a half years in the army to a family who speaks correctly and hardly ever makes gramatical errors without correcting each other. On top of that my sister was home from South Korea after a year of teaching English as a second language(she doesn't speak Korean) and she has better grammar than almost anyone I know. She went to this obscure liberal arts University while I left for the army. It was abundantly apparent just in the first five minutes of her being home and it left me depressed over what I had lost and the time I had wasted. Luckily for me, my grammar is coming back in leaps and bounds, only two weeks back in school and I have almost all of it back. Amazing. Sad thing is that I am also quickly forgetting all of the little army saying and phrases that come from all of the world, and it is hard to shut a door on that part of my life. While I felt I was losing my past and my family when I was losing my grammer, forgetting all of the little army saying is also just as sad. It was a large part of my life and has changed me irrevocably. Lots of regrets about it, but not sure I would change it if I could. Its part of me now, including the grammar, what I lost and what I learned.

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