Monday, September 8, 2008

Are you too Astute for My Own Good?

The only word I could think of to describe a friend of mine after a recent conversation. A conversation in which this friend, that I have never met, was able to descern something of a very personal nature about me that most people never even find out. Not that it was a secret that he found out, but it was definately not something you publish to the world. Having him figure this out, just based on the way that I speak has left me morose, and incolsolable. I don't know what this says about myself, except that having him make such an accurate guess about me has led me to believe that some people are just too astute for my tastes, even my own good. I thought I was handling the issue very well compared to most people, that I had conquered it even. But to have him figure it out so easily, from only day to day talking, made me feel as if the floor had fallen out from underneath me. That these tears from knowing he could tell meant that I was not "over" the situation. That I had not handled it, rather I had just swept it under the rug and for the most part pretended it was not there. I don't know what to do with this situation now. I feel lost, and wish that my friend had been less shrewd about my character. I am wishing that it was still something that could just be swept back under the rug, but that now the rug is missing.

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