Friday, September 19, 2008

RIP Barry Scott

Learning about the death of someone that you haven't seen in 4 years seems like it shouldn't be too hard to deal with. You are no longer close friends, you have led different lives, and you have not kept in touch. But when you find out things like this, you see that you always thought you would see them again. I mean, the only reason we really drifted apart was because we got out of highschool and left for the army, both of us. Now that I am back in Arizona where I started, I always thought I would eventually see these people again. My highschool friends who still live and work here. But now I am left realizing that I will not see Barry again. That my fond memories of him and Ryan teaching me how to spin rifles will be my own now, without him to share them with. Without him there to share them with his new born son. I guess hearing this news just made me wish that I would have kept better in touch with him. That it didn't take something like this to make me realize how much I still cared about him as a friend of mine, and that I deeply regret losing touch with that whole group. I guess the only thing left to say is that I hope he rests in peace and that he is in a better place.

1 comment:

Icehockeyman03 said...

Very interesting posts. I want to thank you for your kind comment on my kids. Thanks, it means a lot.